Monday, 16 December 2013

Conventions Analysis of a Contents Page

The Contents Title: This soon establishes the page the reader is viewing, this is done by featuring the words 'contents' or 'in this edition' or something similar. In this example the contents page is shown as 'NME THIS WEEK.' This is better than just contents because it isn't as individual and eye catching as the phrase used by NME like in this example.

Magazine Logo: This is just the logo and an identifier of what genre is going to be shown throughout the magazine, it familiarizes the items shown in the magazine and the shows continuity in design from the front page.

Institutional Details: This is the basically the date of the magazine being published, it helps the reader establish whether the articles are current or old news.

Band Index: This isn't a full convention as it only really shows up in NME magazines. It is a good tool on the contents page because the reader can soon find what is being said about their favorite band. 

Headings: These are the types of articles featured. For example the main features in this example are listed under 'features.' They would be coverlines on the front cover therefore the audience can quickly establish where the article want to read about is in the magazine. There are also reviews if the reader wants to see if a newly released album is any good or not.

Main Insert Image: This is the image on the contents page, it is usually another image from the same shoot as the main image on the front cover and again provides continuity and flow from the front cover.

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